Who's the cutest girl around?

I am a mom of a cutie pie (very biased). And I wanted to share my experiences with others (including my cuties grandparents, great-grandparents, numerous uncles and other relatives). I love being a mom and can't imagine doing anything else.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Day 2

Too bad it feels like its year 2.

Today the intubations Alivia (breathing tube) so that they could put in a central IV and then do a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning. She will be intubated for a few days until they get all the major testing over with. They just decided to do it today and not take it out so that she won't have to go in and out of sedation a bunch of times.

We don't' have a room right now because she is in the PICU which is probably the scarcity place I have ever been. There are some kids in there that will make you cry just by glancing at them. Its hard for me to swallow that Alivia is one of those kids now.

Pray that we get a good room when we get out of the PICU (we would love to have the room that we had before but the other end room would be good to.. There's something about the end of the all...) pray that the biopsy goes really well. Pray that they don't have to do foresic (placing a tube in her vein and taking out her blood and cleaning it and putting it back in...Scary and would mean that they would give her drugs to temporarily paralyze her. Pray the doctors can figure out what is wrong with her. They senior pathologist said today that he has never seen anything like this before. Not really what you want to hear.

Thanks for praying. We love visits. Our phone number will change so for now we can't take calls. When we get a new room we can update the address and number. For now any mail can still go to the same address and they will find us. Thanks for loving Alivia so much.


Blogger beth said...

i'm praying constantly. i love you all so much. kiss her for me.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Briana Almengor said...

Can we call your cells or is that a "no go" where ya'll are at?

9:56 PM  

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