Rachel and Al- now I can be cute while I'm punching things
Carol- my house would be a mess without you
Neil and Jess- hopefully I'll be able to keep the plant alive
Sipe and Danielle
Jake- now my caffine fix will be free
Lyndon and Jamie- ahead of time for Monday
Kevin and Leslie- Can't wait to listen to my CD's
Leah- can't wait to have a weekend with all the couples complete.
Will- best gift ever!!
You guys made me laugh and I am so thankful for all of you.
Thanks Mom and Dad for getting us out of town for Christmas!!
Thanks Andy and Ann for the spa day
Thanks to our extended family for the amazingly generous Christmas gifts.
Thanks Sarah for the hat (love the colors)
Thanks to Jeremy for the weekend of watching our important things.
Welcome home Jackson!!!! So glad your tranplant went well. You amaze me little guy.