Pictures and more
Alivia and Clippity-Clop (thanks Uncle Andrew)
Triple AAA- Andrew, Alivia and Aaron
Today we had a visit to Hershey. James came with us. That was such a nice treat. It has been a while since he has been able to come with us. Livi got her IV antibiotic (she gets it once a month) and it takes about an hour. In the mean time they got her counts back and realized for the second week in a row her platelets were really low so because of the holiday on Monday they gave her platelets. It all went smoothly. Livi had her normal reactin to benadryl....hyperactivity. We all laugh because it should make her tired but it makes her happy, hyper girl...just like the steriods. The doc examined her and said her lungs sounded crystal clear and her heart sounded great. So even though her WBC's are still climbing (over 125 this week) she is doing really well. We are thankful for that.
Please pray they find a perfect match for her. She has a perfect cord blood match but they would still prefer an adult unrelated donor. But they wont' use one unless it it perfect. Please pray that her heart, lungs, kidneys and liver remain unharmed by the eosinophils. Please pray that the docs can figure out what meds will help shrink her spleen so that it will be easier to remove.
I admit that the spleenectomy is really making me nervous. Not so much the actual removal but the anesthesia that goes along with it. It will be the longest surgery so far and she never comes out of anesthesia well. Usually it affects her lungs and makes her breathing really labored. Pray for wisdom for the anesthesiologist and for the surgeons.
If you go to the site to read the medical info could you please leave a comment. If no one is reading it I will stop posting the medical info. Thanks
Tomorrow we head to the Baltimore Aquarium with 2 of James' brothers and maybe Jeremy. I am really excited. I think Livi will really like it.
More Christmas Pictures to come.