who needs sleep?
The answer is ME and Alivia. For some reason she has always been against sleep (James says she's just like her mommy). I am trying to work out a schedule that doesn't have her awake for hours without eating. Today she decided to go against that plan. Silly girl its for her own good. So she had a bottle around 6ish and went back to sleep for about 20 min but then woke up with a dirty diaper. I changed her and tried to get her back to sleep but no such luck. So instead we hung out..now you have to understand the chemo schedule to understand how crazy this is. She has to have an empty stomach to take it (at least 2 hours sinc eating) and then has to take the anti-nausea med and wait 30 min, then the chemo and wait an hour then eat. So this morning we had 3 and a half hours to kill before breakfast. By the time we got to eat she was ready for a nap (read CRABBY) and starving. She was so overtired that she only slept for about an hour (probably a little less). So we played and tried not to have any meltdowns (tired baby) and finally she fell back asleep at 1:50. But only slept for an hour again! So I rocked her for a while and she finally feel back asleep about 10 mins ago (its 3:45). I was going to take a nap but now I am not sure if thats a good idea..might feel worse after.
One of the things that the doctor said keeps running through my head. He said that people can live on this chemo for years. I am trying to not think about what that means for our lives but its hard not to.
This evening has been crazy and intense. Livi and I were outside so she could sit in her baby pool around 4 and by 4:45 she was really fussy and just wanted to be held. So I took her inside to get dressed and realized that she felt really hot. So I took her temp and it was 101 (which is the magic number if you hit once you are supposed to call the doc right away) so I called and while I was waiting for the nurse her temp went back down to 100.6. The doctor said to watch her and if it went back to 101 come to the emergency room. Thankfully over the next hour or so it went down to normal. But now we think it might be a tooth. She is chewing on everything and is so tired but when she lays down she always turn her head to the left and she starts to cry like it hurts. So now we have another call into the doc to see if its okay to give tylenol. We were told not to give it if there was a fever since it would mask the fever but now that the fever is gone... Its an odd feeling have to check with someone every move you make with your child.
pray requests...
...good doc visit tomorrow (fast, positive, easy)
...no more fever
...no pain from teeth (or the go ahead to give tylenol)
...that she doesn't have to live for years on chemo
Thank you
to Amy Knutsen for the great cookies (for us and the nurses!)
to April Spinetti for the yummy dinner (and so much more...love you)
cards with stickers from
Marmie (you are the most faithful card sender...she loves the one of the dog!)
Gary and Patty Smith (and family)
The Eckman family (thank you Lydia and Ruth)
Joni Cairns
Luke and Christine Smart (thanks for the offer of help if we come to Hopkins. May just take you up on that)
Sara Rankin
and the thoughtful letter from Jim and Jean McClements
If I ever forget to thank someone please except my apologies and I am really trying to get all the thanks up but somedays I loose track. Sorry